Ramadhan and FE
Assalamualaikum. First thing first, Alhamdulillah for another chance of meeting Ramadhan this year. Salam Ramadhan al- kareem everyone! :) Lets make the best of it insyaAllah . Looking at the last date of my previous post, boy I have really abandoned this blog entirely don't I?. Haha . Anyway, home I am. It's semester break people! Man, how time flies! It feels like it was only yesterday when I first started my Asasi and now, we're already on our way to second year of Degree . Anyway, it's good to be home! :) Apparently, holiday isn't exactly holiday this time. We have to do FE (Field Experience). It's some sorta training for us teachers-to-be. Not that we're going to teach, just observing how things at school really are. Again, the question. Do I really wanna be a teacher? I couldn't quite figure that one out yet honestly. The thing is, most people, majority I might say, think that tea...