
Showing posts from November, 2011


And the truth is, I still have A LOT to learn. Like SERIOUSLY A LOT :|

Simply Happy

-Warning: Awful grammar mistakes ahead! Assalamualaikum!      We had a two hour literature class today, discussing on the poem The Great Lover. The poem was about simple things in life that the poet found meaningful and simply made him happy. So we were asked about what simple things that makes us happy. Well, lotsa answers came up from the crowd. Katie said, feeding the cat. It's quite funny. Haha. But still, cute in a way :P  And Madam mentioned on the feeling that she got after cleaning the house. Wana said that the smell of the road after the rain enlightens her. And someone mentioned about the smell of new books as we flip through the pages. Yes I love that one too! A friend of mine mentioned how she loved the smell of those newly withdrawn green notes. Oh yeah. Haha. And well, lotsa other things too.      It's quite funny isn't it? Sometimes, in our busy life, and when we kinda get stressed, sometimes, simple things like that co...

Let's Do This for Real

If you're gonna let that one little thing wears your motivation down even a bit, what are you gonna do when bigger trials come? ‎- And He found you lost and guided [you], [Surah ad-Dhuhaa:7] - Buckle up Nia. Buckle up tight.  We're not even half the journey yet. Still has a long way to go. And the road just got a lil bit bumpy. Damage control activated. InshaAllah :)

People and Procrastination

Assalamualaikum :)      Ho yeahhhh! It has been quite a while since I last posted something. Oh to be precise, rambling bout something. See what's up? Ah hum, got here at about 6 pm. That my dear friends, was one indescribable bus trip. There was not a minute that I didn't feel dizzy @.x but Alhamdulillah, I survived that gruelling -+8 hour journey. Safe and sound here I am :)  Just got back from my mid sem break. Oh why that it is only for a week? And that doesn't even feel like a week. More like just one day =.=" So here I am. With lotsa lotsa lotsa things waiting. And as always, procrastinating. Oh that is one bad habit that is so hard to break. I remember procrastinating during foundation and well, I kinda got lucky. I mean, my marks aren't that good but they are good enough for procrastinated work. Haha :D      Anyway I remember it was a writing subject assignment. And I remember that I did tried to start on the assignment the minute...

Simple Plan - Astronaut
