
Showing posts from 2012


There's only one reality.

Love is Cinta

Assalamualaikum. In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.      We started the Love Gathering session today with a video. To put things in a nutshell, the short video is about a guy who bumped into an old friend of his and discovered about his newly wed wife's dark past. Unable to accept the truth, he was devastated, disappointed, angry even for he expected his wife to be perfect although he already knew before that in her younger days, she was not practicing the deen completely. He avoided his wife for about a week, not picking up her calls and not replying her messages. Then a friend of his advised him to just talk to his wife about it and he did. He told his wife that he just wanted to wake up next to his perfect wife that he has married, not going out and being told by other guys things about his wife. He told her that it's disturbing just to think that his wife was with another men. The irony is that, in his younger days, the guy w...


Irony is that, when you are surrounded by hundreds of people but you can't even find one who seems to understand what you are going through. Irony, again, you thought nobody understands you but the truth is, even you can't understand anyone. Why would we always expecting things we can't even offer to anyone? I don't think I like the irony of it.

Inner Strength Under Construction

     Sometimes life knocks you down in a way you could never imagine. It took away all the things you feel safe confiding into, leaving you defenseless and vulnerable. It can break your soul by using the people you love the most, the things you care the most and the memories you cherish the most. But have we ever really thought why any of this happen?      A friend of mine once said, whatever hardship we're dealing with at this time will be useful for us one day. Do believe that, Allah is preparing us for something that we may have to deal with in the future that we'd be needing the 'training' of emotions and strength starting from now.      The question lies in the humans themselves. Are they to take this challenge as a mean to improve themselves or are they just gonna stand there and let the world take them away?      We have the power to make a choice. Exploit our power, energy and strength to build a better const...

An Update (?)

Assalamualaikum!      Suffice to say that my sem break is so far so good. Alhamdulillah, today we are finally done with our FE (Field Experience) aka Forever Extraterrestrial har har har okay fine tak kelakar. Now it is time for the COWs and Report which, I uh will, ahem, get done with asap. Ahem lagi. Seems that my friends are having fun with FE. Happy for you guiseeeee! Really. At first, I'm quite, envious. I mean, why does everyone seems like they're having loads of fun in their FE while we're here were just like T____T  Well, on a brighter note, I managed to finish reading two books during FE! Yeay me! Will have to write a review of one of the books. I personally think that book is sooo touching tsk tsk. I totally would put it on my books-to-recommend list.      Regarding FE, well, like a friend of mine said, won't say that I was having fun but also, didn't say it is not useful. But you know, I remember sitting in in the class with them, observ...

Ramadhan and FE

Assalamualaikum.      First thing first, Alhamdulillah for another chance of meeting Ramadhan this year. Salam Ramadhan al- kareem everyone! :) Lets make the best of it insyaAllah . Looking at the last date of my previous post, boy I have really abandoned this blog entirely don't I?. Haha . Anyway, home I am. It's semester break people! Man, how time flies! It feels like it was only yesterday when I first started my Asasi and now, we're already on our way to second year of Degree . Anyway, it's good to be home! :)       Apparently,   holiday   isn't exactly holiday this time. We have to do FE (Field Experience). It's some  sorta   training for us teachers-to-be. Not that we're going to teach, just observing how things at school really are. Again, the question. Do I really   wanna   be a teacher? I couldn't quite figure that one out yet honestly. The thing is, most people,   majority   I might say, think that tea...