Decoding the Secret

Assalamualaikum :)

     Have you ever, gone a certain situation and you had some questions going on in your mind, asking, wondering about it and you hope to find an answer for that. And when you go on online, there's always, someone's status/tweet, or even events we see in our everyday life, chunks of conversations of/with other people, knocking the sense into your head, answering your questions indirectly. For all we know, all those kinda status updates are always there, like days already. And those conversations, are only the rituals of everyday life. That telephone call or those text messages.But how come that upon the first reading/hearing we are not so attracted to the gist of it? Only when we had something in mind which from one's status update/conversation chunk, text/ phone call/events in everyday life we found one of our answers for our questions we tend to react to it in a more, reflective way.

     The same things. Things we usually see as mundane and of no importance. But once we have something in mind, once we begin to think differently, we would start seeing things differently.

     I'm not promoting you to go on Facebook/Twitter etc not am I promoting everyone to go spend most your time scrolling down your timeline endlessly, guaranteeing that you would find your answers of life from someone's status update. Nah. (Finding things significant and worthy of reading, that depends on who your FB friends are too, and who you follow of course. Can't find the answer to baking a good cake in a dancing class can't you?) But, back to my point, just, when we are so focused in looking for an answer for something, our eyes and brain are actually inclined to see things in a view where we want to find that certain answer. Scrolling the timeline reading everything wouldn't be much of help, but reflecting on some good ones will.

*Hey look, it's the cloud with the shape of thunder!

     I guess the key here is that, you must know where to look for the right answer, and be critical in things you hear and see.

And you will see that He's answering all of your questions beautifully.

One by one. 

     Until you could finally understand, though it takes some time and consume a lot of your inner part but you would find your patience to be worthy of it.

     Sometimes we found that all these events in our life, don't make sense. We ask ourselves, how did they event get into my life, where all of this is coming from? Indecipherable events. Where all of this is taking me? Indecipherable, encoded with secrecy of all secrecy where only the inventor will know the secret and how to decode it. 

So look for Him, He will help you decode it and you will find your answer.



*and He just answered some of mine last night. Subhanallah.


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