There's no point really. I have no idea why do I make so much effort to put up a new blog when I can just use this one. So mafan one hahaha. But I guess, at one point of your life, you just kinda wanna feel, new. You want to start anew, and you want a fresh start, you want to disassociate yourself from the past. Kinda. Well, that's a lost cause because you are made up from the past. So when I was tidying up my digital documentations the other day, I thought of how tiring and odd this is. Trying to reconstruct one life, from two different places. This is where it has begun, and this shall be where I picked up from what I have left, and simply, move forward. While there are a lot of things I wish I could have done differently in some parts of my life, I should not run away from my past mistakes. They are acknowledged, and they should be remembered, for future reminders. That being said, I think I ought to repost the posts here. Later lah. ...