
I found this post tucked away deep in the drafts. This was originally written on February 8, 2011 and it still rings true to me, up until now.

Assalamulaikum love :)

     It's weird how our mind cooperates with us eay? I tried to start doing my assignment but all I have is a blank page. Then I'm here and my fingers started to dance on this keyboard. Gahh :O

     It suddenly gets to me. The other day, about a few weeks before, right after we got our MUET result, our lecturers have been kinda counselling us on what to choose for our future. I remembered in the writing class, Madam Laily mentioned something about things you want, things you like and things you can do. Hurm, I can't really remember the exact words she used on that day but what can I conclude is that, 


     "So you're a TESL student. You said that you like this course, you have passion in it, you want to proceed to Degree. The question is, can you? The question is, do you have what it takes? You said that you have passion in this, do you do things that will get you improved from time to time? Do you do extra essays and submitted it to your English teacher so that you could get feedback and improved? Do you read English novels to improve your vocabularies? Do you join debate because you liked English so much way back in high schools? So you say you like English, but can you cope with it later? People would say Tesl is an easy thing but for me it's not. Do you have what it takes to proceed to Degree in Tesl?"

     That kinda knocked me to the earth. For a sec, I'm glad that I chose TESL, not struggling to cope up with Science classes in matriculation with hope that you can apply for a place in med school of you get good pointer. Honestly, I chose Tesl, well of course because I love English. I like biology and I like to see myself being a doctor in the future, but if only Biology is the only subject that I can score A, it's not even an A it's an A-, can I cope up with it? Between the things that you like, you want and you can do, which one would you choose? So you say that if you are really passionate about something, Allah's willing you can do it. But honestly, ask yourself again, is it? I mean, I've seen people who talk with passion about something that he/she really wanted to achieve but end up failing the courses. For me, I would go for things that I CAN DO. It's a good thing that English is something that I like and I think I can do :)

It amazed me how I forgot how much I loved English. Do I still do?


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