For One More Day

Assalamualaikum! :)

"You can be mama's boy or you can be daddy's boy, but you can't be both."

     I bought this book long time ago, when I went to that Big Bad Wolf Book Fair last semester. For I was so caught up with so many things before, I haven't had the chance to read it until now. (Hah, alasan!  :P) I even borrowed it to two of my friends before I even read it, haha. Okay, For One More Day, written by Mitch Albom is a story of a mother and a son. If you are a keen reader you would know Mitch Albom from his famous book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

     Okay, the story. Charley Benetto grew up looking up to his father. But when his father suddenly left one morning, his mother took over the job of being a single parent, doing her very best to take care of him and his sister. At that time, divorce was not a normal scene in any family in his neighbourhood and when his father left, his mom tried to keep things as normal as possible. There were no explanations on why things turned out to be that way, no explanations on why his father left. Divorce was scandalous and since his mother hadn't left the town, she became the victim of vicious assumptions. Of course, people would pity you, being the victim of a broken family but no woman would let a pretty divorced woman anywhere near her husband, or family. But I really respect how the mother has been able to raise her children even without a man in the family. Seriously his mom was so cool.

     As you read the book, you could probably relate to some events in the book. How sometimes a child was more in favour to either the father or the mother. Charley, as his mom called him, was in his father's, trying to win him the attention that he never seems to get. He played baseball because his father wanted him to and he was good at it. When his father left, he kept playing, as if it acts as a subtle thread of fatherhood, keeping his father alive in every home run. And that's how sometimes you keep a relationship that already died long ago alive eay? By doing things you used to do with the other party, hoping it would somehow bring you the same feeling and probably, bring the person back to you.

     Despite being raised by his mother with abundance of love, of course, Charley like any other child would long for a love of a father. Even as a grown-up man, he still try to impress his father by doing things that sometimes make his mother disappointed, like dropping out of college to play in the league.

"Going back to something is harder than you think."

     True enough. Sometimes, when we make choices we always thought that we could somehow make up things for the choice that we didn't choose, thinking that there will always be a chance for us to fix things. We have all done things we swear we will have never done if we could go back in time. That's normal I guess. Making a wrong choice, teach you to make a better choice in the future. Hopefully.

     So there you go, a review. And an update! Yeay me! Haha. Actually, there's a lot more to tell but oh well, you would have to read the book to know the rest of the story. Until then, be safe, be happy. Have a great weekend! :D


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