Final Weeks


     It's been a long time since I last dropped by here on this little hut of mine so hai everyone! So far, we only have two more weeks before this semester ends God I can't believe it's already four semesters of me doing my degree. This semester went by quickly. Very quickly actually but I am very thankful for He has granted me the strength to still be here, and keep on walking though my pace might be slower. I'm enjoying the moments in my own way so that's okay hihi.

     By far, I gotta say that this semester has been the toughest one I had. Yeah I know that I said that like every semester but seriously this time around I swear that it is the toughest one. Academically speaking and also uhm, in other terms. Because this semester has been quite tough, I have learned a lot of things. Like, a lot. But most things are better kept to yourself, just like this semester's lessons. He taught me the lessons of life, in a very beautiful way though of course there has been some emotional rides here and there. Basically this semester I learned more about humans and now I'm starting to understand why some philosophers opt to not leave house unless they are to do/say something good, well, technically speaking. But hey, lessons are everywhere so cheers.

     The last two week has brought us a paramount of assignments to be completed before we get to enjoy our sem break. Like tons of them. Our final paper would be on 11th July (sigh) which is the second day of Ramadhaan. It was quite upsetting as I was hoping that I get to start the fasting month with my family but that's okay. I have the rest 28 days rigt? Biiznillah :) Oh yeah, I found a beautiful quote while I was scrolling the TL, thought that I'd share :)

"A scholar is not a scholar until he recognizes the dangers of comfortable living, and the blessings of the difficulty." -Sufyan al-Thawri

     So cheers for the assignments. They keep us busy and uncomfortable harrrrr. Another two weeks to go, may Allah ease :D


Arsyad Muhamad said…
all the very best, ain! :D
Nia Ilemor said…
Thank you Arsyad! You too :D

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