Guides to Life 123

"Insanity is trying the same thing but expecting a different result."

     Sometimes, finding a solution to a problem could be time consuming. It could take a whole lot of you before you even have the slightest idea on what you could actually work on. And you still have thousand of files concerning your problems to go through before you could detach yourself from your own fears. Our life is not like a movie, where when a hero is at a dead end, he suddenly bumped into a random old guy on the street giving a one liner advice, or a wisdom in a fortune cookie, or probably his head suddenly is filled with ideas and drive after lepaking by the beach thinking about life. And then, whoosh, he suddenly becomes that awesome guy, living up to whatever advice that he encountered beforehand. As much as people like you and I wanted our life to be as easy like that, it doesn't. 

     But when life takes away your comfort zone and put you in a volatile state, that's when you have to think, rationalize, had a tug-of-war with your feelings and brain and still probably have no idea what to do. You tried, you failed, your performance could even deteriorate worse than when you first started. For some people, problems and challenges become a stepping stone for them to be better. While for some other people, it just doesn't work as miraculously as that. They have to put a lot of effort to improve themselves, challenged by their own feelings, doubted by their own souls and still walking in the same circle.

It sucks. Life sucks. You suck.

But nothing is going to change if you stop trying.


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