It's Her Day

Hey people, today is my best friend's birthday!

She's now old! and still single! HAHA :P

It's quite a disappointment that we are totally running out of idea on how to surprise her :(
But hey, that doesn't mean that we have forgotten.
We'll have something.
Happy Birthday dear.
Hope you'll have a great year.
Thank you for everything!

-Hope that things will work out fine for you.
-Hope that you'll get what you want.
-Hope that you'll get the perfect guy *wink
-Hope that we'll be together till degree, I swear you'll get sick seeing me, HAHA.
-I pray that you'll always be under Allah's protection :)
-I'm sorry for any inconvenience, stupidity of me and simply anything that make you feel not cool :(
-Hope that we'll stay as friends! :)
-Oh, and I wanna be your bridesmaid
-And I wanna name your first child
-And I wanna choose your gown

Okay, the last three wishes, I'm just kidding. Tetiba kan? padahal takde kaitan dengan birthday wish pun, heeeee:P

Don't get all eeuuww because




Sanah Helwah.


Anonymous said…
thanks dear friend....hope we can still be together in facing coming degree's life.I know there will be a lot of challenges, but as long as we are together, supporting and remembering, I believe we can go through it.heeee...;0 muaahhh...
Nia Ilemor said…
wow, u read my post. gahh, not so surprise anymore. ahh, im touched!
adahredha said…
inspiring.. touching2...
(tetiba jew.. padahal besday org lain)

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