Just June

Assalamualaikum! ;)

     Phew, quiet a long time I've been missing eayh? Shame on you, you actually thought to quite blogging when as a matter of fact, you can't help yourself to blog. Haha. Thank you for my dear friends who have always been concern, I appreciate it, really :)  Anyway, It's June already. Wow, how time flies. It feels like it was only yesterday when I first 'graduated' my Foundation Programme. Hey hey there June! I actually thought that after months of so called travelling, June and July will be the time when I will be pampering myself with nothing. Well, whaddaya know, June is an exciting month so that so called pampering programme is so not gonna happen. 

     But that doesn't really bother me because I am sooooo looking forward for it! The first one to go is, a quick trip this 13-15th June 2011 :)  I guess this would be the last time we could really gather and hang around since starting 20, Mizz Greenizz and Miss Wanabee will be enrolling Maktab. Clap clap applause! Congrats guys! ;)  It's a bummer since two of us can't make it but it's okay. Guys, don't be sad okayh, we'll meet up someday, at someone's wedding, haha :D

     Well, what's new? I just finished reading PS.I LOVE YOU. Ehm, yeah, I know, I know. I am soo lame because I just read it. Reaction of a friend, "Kau baru baca ni? Serious? First time? Ko baru nak baca?" <----dengan gaya muka bersungguh-sungguh, dahi berkerut dan suara sedikit terkejut. But hey, that's an achievement there. After months of losing interest to books that is finally something to be proud of. Well, at least for me. Reading that book, gives my brain lotsa things to be thought of and yeah, somehow it gets to me. I'll write a review maybe, next time.

That's all for update, till then ;)

-June started with a trial, goes on with happiness and hopefully, ends with thousands of memories.


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