10 People (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum :) So don't you worry about People hanging around, They ain't bringing us down. I know you and you know me And that's all that counts. PCD_Stick With You Because this is the only one that has us all in :'( -And that's all that counts :) I can't believe that it's already a week since we last see each other. A week since we last being together. A week since we last laugh together, talk lively to each other, complain about petty things to one another, go for dinner together, walk to the malls, go to the bank and basically, do everything TOGETHER. I miss that you know. It only felt like yesterday when we first met, but never will I forget. You people meant so much to me. Always there through thick and thin. Thank you so much! I never was perfect as a human, of a friend. I am sorry :( But you people sure completes me :) This is about ten people. Ten people that I love. Okay we're actually ten so minus me, they're nin...