Assalamualaikum peeps! I know that people is feeling scared of this MUET thing. So, it is always a good idea to practice. The fact is, actually, the questions paper of MUET Speaking is just being recycled. So, there might be a chance that you are going to answer the same questions as the last years. I got some. Here's sample of questions. Booklet 1 A person's character is often influenced by other people around him/her. Who has the greatest influence on a person's character? -Discuss which of the following has the greatest influence on a person's character (i) Parents (ii)Teachers (iii)Friends (iv)Famous Personalities Booklet 2 If you were given the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for one term, what would be a great achievement to leave behind? (i)Economic prosperity (ii)Excellence in sports (iii)World class education (iv)Excellent health facilities Booklet 4 You and your f...
Warning: This post is pretty lengthy so take a deep breath and go! Assalamualaikum. Hye people :D For this latest post, I'm gonna talk on education again. Whoa, I sounds like a lecturer (Ameen) Okay, so I'm pretty lucky to have a teacher to guide me on this upcoming MUET.*shudders* If I'm not mistaken, she's the chief examiner. So, she said that getting band 5 is not so hard but you need to know the techniques. For me, getting band 4 is enough to pursue for Degree but just like she said, better aim for the moon, so that even if we fall, we'll fall on the stars. So people, let's work as if we need the band 5 desperately, CHAIYOK ^.^v Haha, this one is pretty funny XD Okay, let's get to the crux. Basically, speaking part is the part where most students find it hard. One of the obstacle to get Band 6. But don't worry, as long as you have the points in your speech and you talk with style and confidence, Allah's willin...
Assalamualaikum! :D Morning people! You know, I think having a six-month holiday isn't bad after all. I figured out that I actually kinda need that time before I'm going for my Degree, insyaAllah. I figured out that I actually do have lotsa things to settle down with first. But anyway, yesterday was my first time teaching. Yep, I am kinda a tuition teacher but I only take one class per week for Standard 4. And you know what? It is actually not easy to be a good teacher. This reminds me of an assignment that I have once done for TED072- Basic Principles in Education. One of the challenges that most teachers face is when you have a group of students with different potentials. I mean, you will have a tough time deciding on what to teach and how to teach it because some of them already good in that and some don't. And it gets me thinking, am I a good teacher? Like, do they get what I'm teaching or are they just simply being there for...
yeah, I'm not ready to work yet :P
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