No matter how heartbroken I am now, a post still must have a good greeting. Isk. I AM SOOO HEARTBROKEN! OH WYYYY WHYYY WHYYY? Okay so here it goes.
Last week, on the way home from dinner, abah was telling mama about a programme in his school. Apparently, there's this camping programme that will be held by the PPD and a few schools will be joining including abah's school. And then abah asked us in the middle of the conversation whether my siblings and I wanna go too and we were like, "OF COURSEEEE WE WANNA GO!" Where is it? Wait for it, wait for it,

And do you have any idea how beautiful Pulau Redang is? You don't know? Well so do I and that's why I have been so excited to go! People have been telling me that if there's an island that you should go, it's Pulau Redang. And my English teacher, who is also a traveler once told me that among of all places that he has travelled to, Redang is the most beautiful island that he likes the most and he always wanted to go there again. And my sister who'd been there once with my mum keep telling me how amazing it was to go there and everything. So do you get me how I wanted to go there badly? Like seriously.
Besides, everyone will be going except for my brother who at that time will also be going on a trip with his friends to North Island. It will be a family vacation! Usually some people can't make it due to educational commitment reasons. And last time we had one was when I was in Form 4. Why now? When everyone finally had their space to go to well except for my brother but still that doesn't count because he's gone for a vacation too. Great. Everyone can go on a vacation but not me? :( Ahhhh. I have been planning to do this and that and all of other things there. And abah already has everything arranged. Now where's the heartbroken part?
Let's get serious. I am a TESL student who just finished her foundation and now kinda struggling to place a spot in Degree. And TESL students who want to proceed to Degree know that MeDSI is one of the stipulations that you have to fulfill before you can even think to proceed for Degree. It is very important to pass MeDSI. If you pass then you'll have an interview and only after that, you can think to proceed to Degree. Like crucially important. So the trip will be on 28th April 2011. That is next Thursday. It will be a three days and two nights trip. That means we'll be going home on 30th April. Well guess what, MeDSI IS ON 30th APRIL! How come I forgot? I mean, I know MeDSI is in the end of the month. Gahhhhhhhh :O I was so oblivious until just now, I chatted with a friend, ah skip the story part shall we? Anyway after that, I was triggered to check again when is exactly MeDSI and tadaaaa! It's on 30th April 2011. Wuuhuuu *snicker
I have thought of all the possibilities. Like, maybe we can go and come back home on Friday. But then, we'll be missing some activities. I haven't seen the activities' schedule yet and I think I'm gonna scream and run in panic when I do, thinking of all the fun that I would have missed with them. Isk. Anyway if we come back home on Friday, that would be impossible. I mean, we'll get tired and then I have to set my brain straight again for MeDSI after having fun. That doesn't sounds like working for me. I'm gonna need time to get ready, to relax and chill and the mind-setting and stuff. Coming back home from a fun vacation which will not be so much fun if it's only for two days and missing fun activities doesn't do it eay? Besides, it's not easy to change your mood from wooohooo-fun-vacation-fun-fun-fun to OMG-nerve-wrecking-exam-that-I-must-pass-or-my-future-is-over. Dramatic eay? Yeah but not as dramatic as Rachel Berry :P I wouldn't have the heart to ask for this vacation to be cancelled. I mean, everyone has been looking forward for it including me or maybe, especially me! And everything has been arranged.
So I guess this is it. I would have to make one of the toughest decision ever! I haven't told my parents yet that the dates are clashing but ah well, I can already see this is coming and yes, maybe I am being a lil dramatic about this whole thing when even my parents haven't made the final decision about the trip but what else is left to consider? Ahhh I guess I'm not going. I remember the other day I was kinda making fun at my sister because she might can't make it. She's a substitute teacher and she thought that her last day was on 30th which is actually not and then she could go and now, I can't. Hah, padan muka kan? Kate kokranggg agiii. And yesterday, when my younger sis saw how excited I am to go, she said, "Excited tehh, skalo hok happy happy belum g nih, dea g gak dok happy mano" Well, don't bother. I can't even go. Wuwuwuwu. So sad. So I guess this is a goodbye Redang :(
But anyway, I take this as a test of faith for me. Cheewaahhh. There's always sacrifices to make kan? I am kinda frustrated but I still hope they're gonna have fun. But they would have to make it up for me, I still want a vacation! Maybe replace Nuyu with me on the upcoming trip this Nov? Haha, now that would be awesome! :P Haha. Okay dah dah. Right now, I should focus on MeDSI, don't wanna let anyone down. No matter how heartbroken I am, still, I have to focus. Honestly, yeah I'm scared. But, InsyaAllah, I will still give my very best for the sake of my future. InsyaAllah. Wish me luck people and also, Good Luck for the others who're taking MeDSI too. Allah bless you people :)

No matter how heartbroken I am now, a post still must have a good greeting. Isk. I AM SOOO HEARTBROKEN! OH WYYYY WHYYY WHYYY? Okay so here it goes.
Last week, on the way home from dinner, abah was telling mama about a programme in his school. Apparently, there's this camping programme that will be held by the PPD and a few schools will be joining including abah's school. And then abah asked us in the middle of the conversation whether my siblings and I wanna go too and we were like, "OF COURSEEEE WE WANNA GO!" Where is it? Wait for it, wait for it,

It would feel awesome to get my feet on this fine sandy beach.
OMGEEE. I really love going to beach. I remember once I dropped everything (that is an assignment which covers 20% of a subject to get done with for and revision for Final Exam which I kinda have only two days to settle) just to go to TC with the Peers Club for whole fine day. Haha. Silly eay but it's worth it! And I came back happy, tired but also geared up!*after taking a long nap :P Maybe some of you would say, "Alah Pulau Redang je kott, bukannya ovesiii" And I would say, "Alah suka hati ah, blog aku, bukan kau". Haha, just kidding. Err, tak kelakar ea? Tak kelakar? Okay tak kelakar :/ But anyway, I still wanna go here! I haven't been here. Yet.
Besides, everyone will be going except for my brother who at that time will also be going on a trip with his friends to North Island. It will be a family vacation! Usually some people can't make it due to educational commitment reasons. And last time we had one was when I was in Form 4. Why now? When everyone finally had their space to go to well except for my brother but still that doesn't count because he's gone for a vacation too. Great. Everyone can go on a vacation but not me? :( Ahhhh. I have been planning to do this and that and all of other things there. And abah already has everything arranged. Now where's the heartbroken part?
Let's get serious. I am a TESL student who just finished her foundation and now kinda struggling to place a spot in Degree. And TESL students who want to proceed to Degree know that MeDSI is one of the stipulations that you have to fulfill before you can even think to proceed for Degree. It is very important to pass MeDSI. If you pass then you'll have an interview and only after that, you can think to proceed to Degree. Like crucially important. So the trip will be on 28th April 2011. That is next Thursday. It will be a three days and two nights trip. That means we'll be going home on 30th April. Well guess what, MeDSI IS ON 30th APRIL! How come I forgot? I mean, I know MeDSI is in the end of the month. Gahhhhhhhh :O I was so oblivious until just now, I chatted with a friend, ah skip the story part shall we? Anyway after that, I was triggered to check again when is exactly MeDSI and tadaaaa! It's on 30th April 2011. Wuuhuuu *snicker
I have thought of all the possibilities. Like, maybe we can go and come back home on Friday. But then, we'll be missing some activities. I haven't seen the activities' schedule yet and I think I'm gonna scream and run in panic when I do, thinking of all the fun that I would have missed with them. Isk. Anyway if we come back home on Friday, that would be impossible. I mean, we'll get tired and then I have to set my brain straight again for MeDSI after having fun. That doesn't sounds like working for me. I'm gonna need time to get ready, to relax and chill and the mind-setting and stuff. Coming back home from a fun vacation which will not be so much fun if it's only for two days and missing fun activities doesn't do it eay? Besides, it's not easy to change your mood from wooohooo-fun-vacation-fun-fun-fun to OMG-nerve-wrecking-exam-that-I-must-pass-or-my-future-is-over. Dramatic eay? Yeah but not as dramatic as Rachel Berry :P I wouldn't have the heart to ask for this vacation to be cancelled. I mean, everyone has been looking forward for it including me or maybe, especially me! And everything has been arranged.
So I guess this is it. I would have to make one of the toughest decision ever! I haven't told my parents yet that the dates are clashing but ah well, I can already see this is coming and yes, maybe I am being a lil dramatic about this whole thing when even my parents haven't made the final decision about the trip but what else is left to consider? Ahhh I guess I'm not going. I remember the other day I was kinda making fun at my sister because she might can't make it. She's a substitute teacher and she thought that her last day was on 30th which is actually not and then she could go and now, I can't. Hah, padan muka kan? Kate kokranggg agiii. And yesterday, when my younger sis saw how excited I am to go, she said, "Excited tehh, skalo hok happy happy belum g nih, dea g gak dok happy mano" Well, don't bother. I can't even go. Wuwuwuwu. So sad. So I guess this is a goodbye Redang :(
But anyway, I take this as a test of faith for me. Cheewaahhh. There's always sacrifices to make kan? I am kinda frustrated but I still hope they're gonna have fun. But they would have to make it up for me, I still want a vacation! Maybe replace Nuyu with me on the upcoming trip this Nov? Haha, now that would be awesome! :P Haha. Okay dah dah. Right now, I should focus on MeDSI, don't wanna let anyone down. No matter how heartbroken I am, still, I have to focus. Honestly, yeah I'm scared. But, InsyaAllah, I will still give my very best for the sake of my future. InsyaAllah. Wish me luck people and also, Good Luck for the others who're taking MeDSI too. Allah bless you people :)

Buh-bye fishy fishy. I wish I could see you guys swimming around happily, isk.
sabar ye cik adik manis..
inshaAllah mesti itulah yang terbaik.
sekurang2nya, tak dapat sunburn, kan?
hehe.. nanti boleh cari lagi peluang menjejak ke sana. :-)
Imran Yazid: Oh pastinya MeDSI trip will be one of the most unforgettable experiences ;)
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