

Why is everybody so serious? Price Tag_Jessie J

     My heart couldn't sit still or pace at regular beat. Either it goes fast or faster. This morning, before they left for Redang, Mama kept on advising me on MeDSI and Abah kept on worrying about the safety. Nuyu borrowed me her phone, mine is still under repair -.-" Haha. I feel love there, abundance, gahahaha XD  But I still wish I am in Redang too. I'll make them write my name there, haha. Anyway, I don't know why but this MeDSI thing creeps me out more than usual. More than other things that has anything to do with my academic stuff. I know that I am not supposed to put too much hope but still... Hurm. I just hope that everything will go fine, ameen ;)

     Thinking about how my future would be, I'm scared. What if my future doesn't go the way I want it to be? What if this and what if that, all those 'what if's things, well you just can't get them out of your head when you look around and see the people that you love. I don't want to disappoint anyone. Because it is a promise to keep. Yes, I would try me best but still, I am no one to confirm my future. I am scared. Ah well, I just hope I can answer the test well. InsyaAllah. It would be a huge relief to pass it before I shudder for another one. With His will of course. Wish me luck people! ;)

Not even a day and I already miss you... May Allah protects you, always :)


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