Assalamualaikum ;) 

It's not my fault if you think this abbreviation stands for something else :P
WTF? What The Fish, haha.

Yiaow Yiaow ;)

This is just a random post.

My sister and I were having lunch. It was nasi ayam.

A: Mung nok wak gapo tu?
B: Nok wi ayea ni ko miaow *we call our cat yiaow yiaow (meow meow, ahh whatever lah, as long as it sounds the same)
A: Take this one too *kuis2 dia punya into mine
C: Ehh, jange wi kucing make ayea, nyaknyo dio bulu gugur kekg.
A: Heh? Yo ko? Bakpo gitu?
B: Dok hau, meme gitu kot.
A: Owh, doh kalu gitu kito pong keno makea ikea ah baru rambut dok gugur?


A: What are you doing?
B: I'm giving these to miaow *we call our cat yiaow yiaow (meow meow, ahh whatever lah, as long as it sounds the same)
A: Take this one too *putting hers into mine
C: Ehh, don't give that cat chicken, poor cat, it'll has his fur losing.
A: Really? Why is that so?
B: I don't know. Maybe it has always been like that.
A: Owh, then we have to eat fish so that we won't be having hair loss problem?

Ahh, I don't know, I just think it's funny :P


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